Friday, March 6, 2009

A New Orleans Soldier

My grandmother often tells me that when my grandfather, David MacHauer, returned from WWII, he didn't talk about all. They soon began a life together and were raising a family and dealing with responsibilities that took precedence over reliving war time memories. Yet, my grandfather still held those memories.
Today, for those of us who were not around then, WWII seems but a distant event. Although not insignificant, it is a far away time. However, there are still people out there who fought the fight and participated in the victory. Participation in that war is part of my ancestry, just as much as the Civil War and all those fought after are. They are a part of many people's ancestral stories and memories. It is a part of our Nation's ancestry.
My grandfather's memories of his service in the war are part of the fabric of my family quilt and I encourage all of those people who may still have living family members who can tell their story to ask them for it. It is a tribute to them as well as an important and valuable treasure in our family histories.
My grandfather was a New Orleans boy and a sickly one, I am told. Yet, he joined the effort as a young man and saw many of his friends and colleagues injured and die. He survived the war and went on to become a Louisiana State senator and a New Orleans Judge, yet he never forgot the war days. After he died my grandmother dusted off his written account. The only one he ever wrote. I am sharing it with you in the hopes that many of you will dust off the written accounts and share them or talk to those who were there. Please read the accounts below or click on the links at:
Dec. 24, 1944 at 12241922

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